Harper.htm Posted September 29, 2005
While wandering in the web, I came across a scanned version of the Harpers New Monthly Magazine posted by the Cornell University Library.
If you go to the link below, you can search for "trilby a novel" and get the table of contents of two volumes
Then if you select
p. vii 1 match of 'trilby a novel' -- on volume 88 or
p. vii 1 match of 'trilby a novel' -- on volume 89, you will get the table of contents for those volumes.
Type in pages 168, 329, 567, 721, 825 in Vol. 88 or 67, 261, and 351 in Vol. 89, you will get the beginning of each of the eight sections which began being serialized in January 1894.
These are the same text and drawing that are published in the book, but you get the thrill in seeing it as the public in 1894 saw them.