oldtca.htm     started September 15, 2004     Back to home page.

Updated April 7, 2011 

The Greater Trilby Community

      Phone number of Trilby House (Community Center):  583-4150  --  37452 Trilby Road,  Dade City, FL  Mail to: P.O. Box 33, Trilby, FL

Upcoming Association meetings and events in the next 30 days or so:




Links highlighted have been updated within the past two weeks.

Minutes Agendas Articles of Incorporation Board of Directors  Notices Activities 


Calendar Partners TCA Links Bylaws maps Recent Events Old Fashioned Fourth of July, 2007
Trilby History Pasco News Articles 501(c)(3) Application Executive Committee Denny Mihalinec's Page Trilby Estates Fall Festival and Children's Safety Rally 
September 30, 2006
Safety Social Activities Program Youth and Education Publications Property and Equipment Commerce
Community Growth and Development Historical and Beautification  Nominating        

Welcome by the President

    The Greater Trilby Community Association was incorporated in September 2004 as a non-profit organization in the State of Florida and received Federal 501(c)(3) status in March 2007. 


The Association exists to provide community-based programs and services to citizens in the greater Trilby area, as it seeks to attain its goals and ideals; to interpret and communicate these goals and ideals to the citizens in the greater Trilby area; and to provide services and facilities for the general benefit of the area that the Association serves.*

GTCA meets almost monthly at the Trilby Community Center, Trilby Center, 37452 Trilby Road, directly across from the Trilby Post Office.  The telephone number is 583-4150.   The mail address is P.O. Box 33, Trilby, 33593.  Meetings are at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of most months.  Dates are posted here and announced by e-mail.  Board of Directors meetings are as scheduled by the Board Chair, and will be announced on this page.


As of 6/15,09, the organization consists of the following officers:

President                                   Herb Green-
Vice President                           Pastor David Raley

Secretary                                   Evalyne Green 
Treasurer                                   Richard Riley
Asst. Treasurer                          Kathy Riley

In addition to the above officers, the Board of Directors include:

Scott Black, Board Chair
Isa Blanford
Pastor Dave Huff 
Corporal Dave Hink
Bernadine King
Pastor Dave Raley
Kim Rowe
Linda Sherrill

                 Most of these people are shown here.

The GTCA Advisory Board includes:

Sierra O’Neil 
Cassie Coleman
Eileen Lamb
Marlene Sheldon
Pastor Merv Sherlin
Mike Brittingham
Evalyne Green

The mailing address of the organization is:

The physical address of the organization is:

Trilby Community Association
P. O. Box 33
Trilby, FL 33593-0033

Trilby Community Center
 37452 Trilby Road  --  583-4150
Dade City, FL  33523 (no mail to this address)

 Trilby Manor Park is at 37045 Polite Avenue (west), between Power Line Road and Randleman Road

*As described in the Association's Articles of Incorporation of September 23, 2004

This web page is maintained by Richard K Riley, 352 583-4994, owner of www.trilbyfl.com. This part of the site is dedicated to GTCA, its activities and programs.  For Riley's family pages, go to here and for information about the community of Trilby, go here.

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April 7, 2005 = 461 May 23 = 547 June 1 = 761  June 10 -- 847  8/28/05--1599  10/18/05--1870  11/23/05--1988  4/10/06--2525  8/29/06 = 3221
9/5/07 = 4201  4/5/08 = 5248  4/3/09 = 6054    7/22/09=6434   9/6/2010=7087  4/7/2011=7340

Discontinued and links broken April 2005  --reinstated May 3, 2005