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Minutes of January 22, 2006 annual meeting of the GTCA Board of Directors.


Board Members Attending:

Herb Green, President

Karyn Pirrello, Vice Chair

Kathleen Fink, Vice President

Richard Riley, Secretary

Eileen Lamb

Marline Nichols


Scott Black and Cassie Coleman had conflicts and notified us that they would not be available for this meeting.


Also present:

Roger Kaminski, Colleen Pirrello, Kathy Riley, newsletter editor


A quorum was not present, so no decisions requiring a vote were considered.


Board called to order by Karyn acting in the absence of Chair, Scott Black


Pledge by Richard, Invocation by Roger


Karyn handed out agenda. 


Roger was invited to discuss cooperation with GTCA and his Tri-Community Fellowship in publishing and distributing a newsletter.


Herb presented the State of the Association.


Karyn presented a listing and organization of the goals and objectives suggested by the previous general meeting.


A discussion was held about how to move people to the Advisory Board from the Board of Directors so as to have enough active people to maintain a quorum for Association business.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30