/tca/Agenda.htm return to TCA home page Updated February 13, 2006
For Proposed Agendas for TCA Board of Directors, go here.
Planned Agendas and Topics
For TCA General Meetings
Times: 7 to 8 pm -- Third Thursday of Each Month
Trilby Community Center
The Greater Trilby Commuity Association
37452 Trilby Road, Trilby, FL
The February Town Hall Meeting will be held on the usual 3rd Thursday of the month, February 16th at 7:00 PM at the Trilby Community Center.
I. Eileen Lamb, Chair of the Social and Crafts Committee, will report on the activities planned for the near future.
There will be demonstrations of some of the crafts that are being scheduled and taught.
II. Richard Riley, Chair of the Land Development Committee, will report on the County Comprehensive Land Development Plan, what it is, and how it will affect us and our community.
III. Kathleen Fink, Chair of Social Services and Education, will announce the opening of the ACCESS center and its services.
IV. Presentation by other GTCA members on upcoming events in the area, such as the Little Everglades Steeplechase.
Meeting begins promptly at 7, and adjourns no later than 8:15.
The Greater Trilby Community Assoc
board of directors agenda-Aug 15th 2005
At Trilby United Methodist-
Pledge- Herb
state of association-Herb Green-Update on 501 3 c process etc.
previous minutes--Richard Riley
Treasure Report: ?Kim Rowe
old business-Herb Green
New Business-Denny Mihalinec: Guest Speaker Ernie H with w.r.e.c He will talk about the history of florida-pasco county--then partnerships with TCA-Q-A on taking over Tri-Community Power Grids
A outstanding Leader to join TGTCA this month- Mrs. Sierra Oneil of Lacoochee-She Goes to Mt.MOriah church and is very active in Tri-Community Affairs. She also is with Pasco Kids and Healthy Families of Pasco--- I will ask the board for her acceptance-
Kim Rowe has accepted the position of Treasure- I will nominate him as well for board approval-
Any additions-please let me know soon--
July 21st at 7 p.m.
Presiding -Herb Green
Pledge: Jeremiah Fink
Prayer: Denny Mihalinec
Special Guest: The Honorable State House Rep District 61 Mr. Ken Littlefield--
Topic: Our Partnership with
State Government
Also: Mr. Fj Collura with Pasco County Sheriffs office--
Identity theft-and how you can protect yourself-
June 16th
Guest Speakers
Bob and
Sharon Blanchard who own the Little Everglades Ranch. They present the
Steeplechase annually.
They will talk about their land, conservation, water preservation, etc.
http://www.littleevergladessteeplechase.com/ http://www.sptimes.com/2004/07/28/Pasco/Group_of_11_to_rank_l.shtml
May 19th
Pasco Kids First--Kathy Bell, local director Some of their services are:: http://www.cms-kids.com/CPTPasco.htm and http://www.ounce.org/password/CPasco.asp and http://www.pegraphics.com//steps/index.htm
Southeastern Guide Dogs organization http://guidedogs.org/
On April 21st at 7:00 p.m. there will be something special at the meeting of the Greater Trilby Community Association at the Trilby United Methodist Church, New Life Center, which seats 200.
The association has invited two guest speakers: Honorable Commissioner Ted Schrader, county commissioner for our district, and Wendi Herzman, the CEO of the POP Housing Program.
East Pasco Habitat For Humanity Will have several Board members and There Public Relations rep come to this meeting to hand out literature and speak about there homecoming to Trilby in 2006..... Anyone who knows of a family looking for a habitat home in Trilby/Lacoocchee area needs to be present this night.
There will be a question and answer session following the speakers.
This presentation will be part of the regular monthly meeting of the association.
(text from northeastpasco.com)
Bring Meeting to order: Mr. Denny Mihalinec, President
Prayer: Pastor Dave Raley
Pledge: Herb Green
Annual Elections
Proposed slate: President: Herb Green, Vice President: Kathleen Fink, Secretary: Kathleen Fink, Treasurer: Open
New Board members: Pastor Dave Raley, Isa Blanford, Bernadette King.
(note. Denny Mihalinec has been elected by the Board of Directors to be it's Chairman)
New President presides over meeting
Special Voting
Amend by-laws to include Lacoochee into the "Greater Trilby Area"
Old Business
1. Report on painting the community center: Thanks to the Farm Basket and the Sawmill. Thanks also to Pauline, Richard, Kathy, Chris Fry, Jeremiah, Aaron and Kathleen Fink, Denny, Pastor Juan, Patrick, Austin, Eileen, and Major.
New Business
1. Welcome new board members, Mrs. Bernadine King, Pastor Dave Raley, Isa Blanford
2. Discussion about annual dinner and awards ceremony
3. Discussion about special showing of "Trilby" silent film on Friday, April 1, 2005
Guest Speakers
1. Mrs. Kathy Bell with Pasco Kids First, Inc. and Healthy Families, Pasco
2. Wilton, Simpson, local businessman on Tri-Community planning for the County's
Growth Plan.
Including workshops for the process
Next Month: April 21st meeting with guest speaker Commissioner Ted Schrader at 7:00 p.m. in the Trilby United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The topic will be the northeast Pasco area, particularly Trilby, Lacoochee and Trilacoochee. There will be a question and answer forum following.
On April 21st at 7:00 p.m. there will be something special at the meeting of the Greater Trilby Community Association at the Trilby United Methodist Church, New Life Center, which seats 200.
The association has invited two guest speakers: Honorable Commissioner Ted Schrader, county commissioner for our district, and Wendi Herzman, the CEO of the POP Housing Program.
East Pasco Habitat For Humanity Will have several Board members and There Public Relations rep come to this meeting to hand out literature and speak about there homecoming to Trilby in 2006..... Anyone who knows of a family looking for a habitat home in Trilby/Lacoocchee area needs to be present this night.
There will be a question and answer session following the speakers.
This presentation will be part of the regular monthly meeting of the association,
17TH, 2005
Old Business----New Board Member Eileen Lamb--chair of senior programs committee
for the Trilby Community Association approved by board unanimously
Special guest speaker Mr. John Walsh--Business and Industry Director For Pasco Economic Development Council.
He will talk about Lacoochee industrial park and update on any new business and industry for Tri-Community area.
Public from the tri-community are invited to hear the guest speaker.
Meet at the Trilby Community Center 37452 Trilby Road, 7-8 pm.
New Business --
Denny -- Newsletter. Who can we get to help, who to distribute, and who to print.
Denny -- Have other board members attend County Commissioner meetings along with Denny.
(Developed and posted February 2, 2005) (update 2/10/05)
January 20, 2005
Prayer By: Pastor Juan
Herb Green- Pledge
Old Business:
Unanimous vote for Liaison to other clubs and orgs in and around the area. Denny
Secretary-Letter for Mrs. Kathleen Fink for dedicated service to TCA
New Business
Announce our new volunteer
coordinator -- Mrs. Pauline Hunt Postmaster
Our vision and mission for 2005 -- President-Denny Mihalinec
1.Guest Speakers for- horse riders, bicyclist, walking, rollerblading
sightseeing etc. State Trails-DEP -park service
2. Committee updates and announce meetings for folks to join them. "All
3. Tax forms and what we owe. Richard Riley
4. financial status of org. -update -Kathleen Fink
December 16, 2004
6:00 p.m.
Trilby Community Center
John Walsh, Pasco Economic Development Council and head of The Pasco county business and industry committee will make a 30 minute presentation on the future of the Northeast Pasco area. Highlights may include the Lacoochee industrial park, new jobs, and new businesses.
Santa Claus will be at the Community Center, immediately after the meeting: Approximately 7 p.m.
Resident Eddie Perez is concerned about intersection of Old Trilby Road and US 301/98 at George and Gladys’. He would like support to investigate installing and stop light or warning light at the intersection
The President will make an award for a local supporter.
Announcement of planned Scholarship for a Trilby Area student.
(developed and posted December 6, 2004)