hist.htm January 24, 2005 June 1, 2005 June 13, 2005
Richard's History pages and links
Next Meeting: July 18, 2005 6 pm -- Trilby Methodist Church
Minutes of Historical Committee of June 13, 2005
By Richard Riley
Scott Black, Chair
Denny Mihalinec
Herb Green
Richard Riley
Jeremiah Fink
Aaron Fink
Scott handed out a listing of significant sites in the Trilby area that he had compiled in the past few months. It was a full page and many of the homes/sites had street addresses or descriptions of where they were and what is there now. He is planning on working with the rest of the committee to develop a self guided tour booklet. It will be available at the post office, the Owensboro trail end, and other places.
Discussed that Old Trilby Road was called the National Highway, CR 575 was called Oak Street, Trilby Cutoff was called Railroad Road.
We will schedule a time with Scott where we can ride around and he can point out all the sites as we finalize the list. He will try to write a short paragraph about each site. Richard pointed out that there is another tour on the web, which includes Lacoochee, and he has copied it to the Trilby History part of trilbyfl.com. It might be helpful to combine the two.
Report on the old Masonic building. It had been offered to the TCA last year, and Denny has discussed it with the County, but we cannot receive and maintain it, and now the owner is considering selling it.
Denny reported that Bob Larken, Contractor has been considering doing minor repair to the Church steeple.
Scott reported that the historical sign for Owensboro Park is in next year’s budget.
July meeting is scheduled for Monday, the 18th at 6 pm.
Announcement of the first meeting of the
the Greater Trilby Community Association
– 7 pm, Monday, January 24, 2005
The Historical Committee presently consists of Richard Riley and Scott Black. We would like others to join and work with us on developing ideas that will help discover and preserve the history of Trilby and the area.
of the possible projects could be:
a present day map of Trilby with an overlay of what it looked like in 1920, 40,
a plan to interview present residents (and others that we can find) and record
their stories about growing up in pre-1950 Trilby.
a model of what the town looked like.
and build models of what the rail yards in Trilby and Owensboro Junction looked
like before they were dismantled.
copies of pre-1950 photos of people and homes and activities in Trilby.
join us Monday night. We need your
input and your help.
For further information, please contact Richard Riley, 583-4994.