SecurityVehicle.htm    August 10, 2007

GTCA Security Patrol Receives Patrol Car

Story by Kathy Riley 

On Friday, July 27th, at 9:30 a.m. a convoy of three cars left Trilby headed for New Port Richey.  One of those cars was a Pasco County patrol car driven by Corporal Tate Sanborn.  In those cars were 9 members of the Greater Trilby Community Association (GTCA) Security Patrol, including four members of the Trilby youth division called the Trail Blazers.


This was a special trip for the eleven members of the GTCA Security Patrol who gathered at the Sheriff’s Office because they received a retired patrol car.  The car came decked out with security patrol colors and insignia.


Sheriff Bob White began the presentation by shaking hands with each security patrol member.  As he shook hands with the Trail Blazers he said,” No one is stepping up to take the place of the present security patrols.  It’s great to see these young people coming along.”


Then Sheriff White presented the title to the car to GTCA President Herb Green saying, “Your security patrol is very important because the time is coming when we can’t stretch the Sheriff’s Department any further.”


After posing for pictures, Sheriff White said that the county would also donate a tank of gas, and Richard Riley, one of the security patrol members, got to drive the car home to Trilby escorted again by Corporal Sanborn.


“Now that we have this car for our patrols, members won’t have to use their own cars or gas to do their patrols,” President Green commented. “Hopefully this will bring more people to join the security patrol.”


If you are interested in seeing the new car and joining your neighbors in the security patrol call Herb Green at (352) 583-5936.